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Up-to-date app which really helps !
Технологии - Новости
07.04.2020 10:44



IntisTele - massive project which could provide solution for different issues. This mechanism helps to transmit message without difficulty.

Main part

Businessmen all over the world are fascinated by sending vital information, discussing the latest news, or defining assignments. According to the hurried tempo of our life and especially eager to gain time - many of us give preference SMS for the reason that this way of communication is the fastest and the most useful for modern people. This simple and well-known software is made to make people to reach the purposes.

+ and -

Using bulk texting has a lot of strengths. For example:

Easy to use. The condition is to sign up and replenish the balance. Now you are able to define a task or spread the important offers.

The average time of bulk texting distribution assembles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case area you are settled possesses network coverage).


Which prospects are available for departments and industries?

Department Solutions

Bulk texting is a beneficial solution for departments. It is a decision for everybody.

SMS software is a helpful tool for achieving each of marketing aims. For example:

Clear automation and optimization of campaigns` schedules. You will not neglect your colleagues` birthday because of the SMS software.

It is possible to share information concerning special services of your web account. It is possible to personalize each SMS and build it in original way.

Gaining of statistics thanks to SMS software campaigns.

SMS could be implemented of the department`s everyday routine. This software could help:

Detailed logs and online information will keep you informed in terms of last activity and sub-account performance.

web developers can integrate IntisTele API gateway.

Thanks to this function it is possible to transfer multiple  messages, update contact database.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele messages software gives permission for debugging your exclusive program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Python.

IntisTele plugins and widgets were created for smoothing integration of most major CMS (WordPress).

SMS commands are a rescue for sysadmins because they could establish remote administration and server management.

Notify timely about any problems.

Bulk texts software is instantly updating on the concrete server infrastructure performance.

Business owners also are able to organize their employees' timetable owing to a SMS program. Also, exist much more solutions which are provided for business men and women.

IntisTele assistance is suitable for everyone. Here it is possible to find an understandable web interface, payment options that will match every pocket and a very captivating affiliate program. Thankfully to SMS software:

It is possible to receive easy access to services. Two components that you require for using bulk texting service are the Internet and browser.

Clients can use MasterCard while using message operating system..

Industries and SMS solutions

The SMS software solution is perfect choice for security services. The SMS software solves a issues of different spheres in various industries.

It is a excellent solution for trading. With bulk texting service there is an alternative to install notifications about special sales.

SMS software is possible to be used in the beauty industry. It can be applied in clinics.

The bulk texting will tell clients about important events in the beauty sphere.

Bulk texts software is the best solution boost travel & transport services and make people enjoy the best adventure during their journeys.

Bulk texting is a decision for startups and IT. This integration is necessary for websites.

Message warn to supply security. It could be applied for satellite tracking.

SMS software prices

It is not difficult to top up your balance and determine the budget which you are ready to contribute. Intis Telecommunication could propose different methods to fund the balance. For example, Paypal.

Instructions for writing the best SMS

Write brief and clear . One of the least unfavorable things you could figure out for your message newsletter is sophisticated wording.

The abundance of text in your message can force the client ignore it sooner than read. The concise message is key to high conversions.

Affiliate program

Thanks to a unique Intis Telecommunication Affiliate network each client can have a commission for attracting new client. You can have around to 10% of the month's refill balance payment, which was made by the customer you have brought to this service.


Sending message about events could convert the best decision for your business. It will boost your profit. That is why bulk texts are widely spread between retailers.

Information sources: https://www.intistele.com/



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